Haibin's blog

find which sessions or SQLs generate excessive redo log

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Once a while we found excessive redo logs were generated in our production databases. In order to troubleshoot this issue, the first step is to find out sessions or sqls. Depending on whether the issue is still happening or not, we can use different methods to figure out the low-hanging fruit.

a.) if the issue is already gone, we can use logminer to find which operation caused this issue by follwing MOS 300395.1: How To Determine The Cause Of Lots Of Redo Generation Using LogMiner. However, there is not redo statistic in v$logmnr_contents, so we may have to guess which statement generates most of redo records based on execution count.

b.) if the issue is still happening, we have more diagnostic methods to find out sessions or SQLs.

To find out which sessions generate excessive redo,we can calcuate the ‘redo size’ delta from v$sesstat between two snapshots to find out the session which generates more redo, or simply use the Tanel Poder’s snapper.sql.

Sometimes we may find several sessions generate excessive redo when connection pool is used, and we want to find which sql from these sessions cause the issue. unfortunately, there is not a view which can tell us how much redo generated for a specific SQL.
As we know, when a transation changes a block in regular tablespaces, it generates redo records and undo records as well, and the undo consumption is recorded in v$transation(The USED_UBLK column of v$transaction view shows the number of undo blocks used and the USED_UREC column shows the number of undo records used by the transaction), Therefore, we can monitor undo usage to narrow down which SQLs generate excessive redo by sampling the sessions repeatedly.

Below is the code I used.

define   snapper_sleep="&1"
define   snapper_count="&2"

set termout on serveroutput on

  cursor cur_trans is
    select s.sid ,s.sql_id,s.serial#,t.USED_UBLK
    from v$session s,  v$transaction t
    where s.saddr=t.ses_addr;
   dbms_output.put_line('seq#    sid   serial#     sql_id  used_ublk ');
   for c in 1..&snapper_count loop
      for  trans_rec in cur_trans
          dbms_output.put_line(c ||'       '||trans_rec.sid  ||'  '|| trans_rec.serial# ||'   '|| trans_rec.sql_id ||'   '|| trans_rec.USED_UBLK);
      end loop;
   end loop;

Note, one transaction may include multiple DMLs, and the number of undo blocks is calcualted from the start of this transaction, not from the start of current SQL, so USED_UBLK in this veiw may not be the number of undo blocks generated by the current DML. However, we should be able to find out which SQLs generate more undo/redo from samples.

Below is example.

SQL>  @test3 0.5 120
old  11:    for c in 1..&snapper_count loop
new  11:    for c in 1..120 loop
old  18:       dbms_lock.sleep(&snapper_sleep);
new  18:       dbms_lock.sleep(0.5);
seq#    sid   serial#     sql_id  used_ublk
43       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   8
44       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   11
45       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   20
46       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   35
47       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   39
48       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   40
49       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   50
50       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   71
51       246  55295   bqnss5311qu48   87
52       246  55295   ayqqj8sga53j7   1
55       256  11051   bqnss5311qu48   19
56       256  11051   bqnss5311qu48   42
57       256  11051   bqnss5311qu48   55
58       256  11051   bqnss5311qu48   83
59       256  11051   bqnss5311qu48   93
60       134  4155   bqnss5311qu48   35
61       134  4155   bqnss5311qu48   42
62       134  4155   bqnss5311qu48   56
62       134  4155   bqnss5311qu48   1
63       134  4155   bqnss5311qu48   82
64       202  3243   2hakxczvxbacn   2
65       202  3243   bqnss5311qu48   32
66       202  3243   bqnss5311qu48   59
67       202  3243   9jyxc671ps26n   78
68       202  3243   bqnss5311qu48   83
69       27  56385   9jyxc671ps26n   1
70       27  56385   9jyxc671ps26n   17
71       27  56385   9jyxc671ps26n   30
71       27  56385   9jyxc671ps26n   0
72       27  56385   9jyxc671ps26n   46
73       310  17635   9jyxc671ps26n   2
74       310  17635   9jyxc671ps26n   18
75       310  17635   9jyxc671ps26n   29
76       310  17635   9jyxc671ps26n   38
77       310  17635   9jyxc671ps26n   45
78       310  17635   9jyxc671ps26n   57
79       212  5157   9jyxc671ps26n   10
80       212  5157   9jyxc671ps26n   24
81       212  5157   9jyxc671ps26n   39
82       212  5157   9jyxc671ps26n   54
83       57  3099   9jyxc671ps26n   13
84       57  3099   9jyxc671ps26n   23
85       57  3099   9jyxc671ps26n   39
86       57  3099   9jyxc671ps26n   54
87       256  11051   ayqqj8sga53j7   1
88       256  11051   ayqqj8sga53j7   1
89       256  11051   ayqqj8sga53j7   1

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

From above samples, we can see sql_id: bqnss5311qu48 & 9jyxc671ps26n generated more undo/redo.

Written by Haibin Sun

August 14, 2013 at 4:54 PM

no trace file was generated for 10053 event

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Recently one of our database was upgraded from to, and we got the performance issue for a query. When I investigated the performance for this query, I purged the cursor from shared pool, set the event 10053 , and reran the query in order to check why optimizer choose a bad execution plan. However, when I checked the trace directory, nothing was generated there. Then I tried a simple query:

SQL>alter session set events '10053 trace name context forever';
System altered.

SQL>select /* test1 */ * from dual;


Still got nothing. I tried 10046 event, and the trace was generated successfully. So I decided to check the non-default parameters set in this database, and found trace_enabled was set to false. After I changed this parameter to true, I was able to get trace file.

When I did the same testing in database, I was able to get the trace file for 10053 event no matter which value trace_enabled was set.

Searched on MOS, and found a bug reported.

Looks likely this bug impacts 11G release 2 as well, and it hasn’t been fixed in

Written by Haibin Sun

July 6, 2013 at 3:45 PM

ORA-00060 deadlock: TX S wait on X

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Development team reported they got the ORA-00060: deadlock error, but they couldn’t figure out what was the root cause, and why a session locked itself, so they requested DBA to assist them.

Below is the deallock graph in the dump file

    25  Deadlock graph:
    26                         ---------Blocker(s)--------  ---------Waiter(s)---------
    27  Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds waits
    28  TX-00230025-0001cdbd        31     439   X             31     439           S
    29  session 439: DID 0001-001F-0000051A     session 439: DID 0001-001F-0000051A
    30  Rows waited on:
    31  Session 439: no row
    32  Information on the OTHER waiting sessions:
    33  End of information on OTHER waiting sessions.

Deadlock usually occurs when two or more sessions  are trying to access the same resources, but each session holds the the resource that is requested by the other session, so none of them can move forward. So usually in deadlock graph, two or more sessions are involved.

However, in above case, only one session is involved. It is called self dead lock, that is, a session locks itself. Checked their code, and found autonomous_transaction was used. This makes things clear. If main transaction holds the lock, and waits for autonomous_transaction to be completed, but autonomous_transaction is waiting for the lock which is hold by main transaction in incompatible mode, thus self dead lock occurs. In this case, the main transaction of session 439 held TX lock on  in X mode while autonomous_transaction was waiting for TX lock in S mode.

Usually, when we do DML on a row, TX lock in X mode is requested, so under which case will a transaction request for  TX lock in 4(S) mode ?

At least under following two situations, a transaction will wait for TX lock in S mode
1. There is an unique constraint. Two transactions try to operate on  row which has the same value on the unique constraint, if two transactions could be committed, the unique constraint would be violated .

session1:  insert one row to the tab_lock table

TEST@db10g>select sys_context('userenv', 'sid') sid from dual;


TEST@db10g>create table tab_lock(c1 number unique, c2 number);

Table created.

TEST@db10g>insert into tab_lock values(1,1);

1 row created.

session2: also insert one row which has same c1 value as session 1 into the tab_lock table,

SYS@db10g>select sys_context('userenv', 'sid') sid from dual;


TEST@db10g>insert into tab_lock values(1,2);

session 2 is hung now

session 3: check the lock hold and requested by session 1 and session 2:

select type||'-'||id1||'-'||id2 "resource",sid,
decode(LMODE,0,'None',1,'Null',2,'Row Share',3,'Row Exclusive',4,'Share',5,'Share Row Exclusive',6,'Exclusive') lock_hold,
decode(REQUEST,0,'None',1,'Null',2,'Row Share',3,'Row Exclusive',4,'Share',5,'Share Row Exclusive',6,'Exclusive') lock_request,ctime,block
from v$lock
where type in ('TX','TM')
and sid in (159,150)
order by sid;

resource                     SID LOCK_HOLD            LOCK_REQUEST              CTIME      BLOCK
------------------------- ------ -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
TX-131114-322                150 None                 Share                         6          0
TM-51358-0                   150 Row Exclusive        None                          6          0
TX-262177-323                150 Exclusive            None                          6          0
TX-131114-322                159 Exclusive            None                         12          1
TM-51358-0                   159 Row Exclusive        None                         12          0

The transaction in session 2 is waiting for TX lock in S mode

2. There is a foreign key constrain. Doing the DML on child table, but DML on parent table has not committed yet. If DML on child table could be committed, but DML on parent table got rollback,  the foreign key constrain would be violated

session 1: delete or update parent table, but hasn’t committed yet;

TEST@db10g>create table p (c1 number primary key);

Table created.

TEST@db10g>create table c (c1 number,c2 number, CONSTRAINT fk_c1 FOREIGN KEY (c1) REFERENCES p(c1));

Table created.

TEST@db10g>insert into p values(1);

1 row created.


Commit complete.

TEST@db10g>insert into c values(1,1);

1 row created.


Commit complete.

TEST@db10g>insert into p values(2);

1 row created.


Commit complete.

TEST@db10g>delete from p where c1=2;

1 row deleted.

or update p set c1=3 where c1=2;

session 2: insert or update a row in child table, but  c1 value of this row has been deleted or updated by session 1

TEST@db10g>insert into c values(2,2);

or update c set c1=3 where c1=1;

session 2 is hung now

session 3: check the lock hold and requested by session 1 and session 2:

resource                     SID LOCK_HOLD            LOCK_REQUEST              CTIME      BLOCK
------------------------- ------ -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
TX-393220-332                150 None                 Share                         3          0
TM-51443-0                   150 Row Share            None                          3          0
TX-589865-343                150 Exclusive            None                          3          0
TM-51446-0                   150 Row Exclusive        None                          3          0
TX-393220-332                159 Exclusive            None                         18          1
TM-51443-0                   159 Row Exclusive        None                         18          0

The transaction in session 2 is waiting for TX lock in S mode

Finally, I can reproduce this issue by the following example:

TEST@db10g>INSERT INTO tab_lock VALUES (1,1);

1 row created.

INSERT INTO tab_lock VALUES (1,1);
/  2    3    4    5    6    7
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
ORA-06512: at line 4

trace file

Deadlock graph:
---------Blocker(s)--------  ---------Waiter(s)---------
Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds waits
TX-00040018-0000014a        15     159     X             15     159           S
session 159: DID 0001-000F-00000013     session 159: DID 0001-000F-00000013
Rows waited on:
Session 159: no row
Information on the OTHER waiting sessions:
End of information on OTHER waiting sessions.

Written by Haibin Sun

December 24, 2012 at 11:55 PM

database connection issue caused by wrong TNS_ADMIN setting

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Users reported their applications could not connect to databases, and thus stopped working after their databases were patched last weekend. They got “ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol” error either from the front end or the log files.  This error is related with SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION, which is used to specify which authentication protocols are allowed by the client or database. If the client and database server do not have at least one matching version, then authentication fails with an error. For more information, please refer to: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/network.111/b28317/sqlnet.htm#BIIEAFHA

However, no one touched the sqlnet.ora in both client and server side during patching.  TNS_ADMIN  is not supposed to be set on database server side,  and the file sqlnet.ora in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin doesn’t include SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter. So things look weird.

Luckily, Oracle provides a procedure called get_env in  dbms_system package , which can be used to assist the investigation under such situation.  Environment variables including TNS_ADMIN and ORACLE_HOME can be retrieved from the server  by dbms_system.get_env.

sqlplus  'sys/xxx@xxx</a> as sysdba'

SQL> var tmp_str varchar2(255);
SQL> exec dbms_system.get_env('ORACLE_HOME',:tmp_str);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> print tmp_str


SQL> exec dbms_system.get_env('TNS_ADMIN',:tmp_str);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> print tmp_str


From above output, we can see the TNS_ADMIN was set to
/orabin/rdbms/ while oracle_home was set to /orabin/rdbms/10203, however, we are not supposed to use this configuration. Obviously someone set TNS_ADMIN by mistake.

I did see SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION is set to 10 in the sqlnet.ora under /orabin/rdbms/,  which is the root cause of our database connection issue.  After correcting the settings, all applications are able to login the databases.

Written by Haibin Sun

June 27, 2012 at 1:27 PM

restore controlfile failed with RMAN-06026: some targets not found – aborting restore

with one comment

Tried to restore control file, but got the following error message:

 2> allocate channel t1 device type 'SBT' ;
 3> restore controlfile;
 4> }

allocated channel: t1
 channel t1: sid=4388 devtype=SBT_TAPE
 channel t1: Veritas NetBackup for Oracle - Release 7.1 (2011020313)

Starting restore at 09-APR-12

released channel: t1
 RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
 RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
 RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
 RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 04/09/2012 17:02:36
 RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore
 RMAN-06101: no channel to restore a backup or copy of the control file

From error message, looks like the backup of control didn’t exist, so rman complained “some targets not found” . However, from list command there were several backups of controlfile available.

RMAN> list backup of controlfile;

List of Backup Sets

BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
80925   Incr 1  17.75M     SBT_TAPE    00:00:27     28-MAR-12
BP Key: 80969   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20120328T130241
Handle: df_TEST_1_b8n70nok_779116308   Media: 521043
Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 2583318674299   Ckp time: 28-MAR-12

BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
81464   Full    17.75M     SBT_TAPE    00:00:30     28-MAR-12
BP Key: 81466   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20120328T131226
Handle: c-381083800-20120328-01   Media: 521043
Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 2583318674322   Ckp time: 28-MAR-12

BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
81740   Full    17.75M     SBT_TAPE    00:00:30     28-MAR-12
BP Key: 81751   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20120328T131734
Handle: c-381083800-20120328-02   Media: 521043
Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 2583318674495   Ckp time: 28-MAR-12

What’s the problem for above restore command? Was anything wrong with backups.  Let’s try to restore controlfile from backup file directly.

RMAN>  run {
2>  allocate channel t1 device type 'SBT';
3> restore controlfile from 'c-381083800-20120328-02';
4> }

allocated channel: t1
channel t1: sid=4390 devtype=SBT_TAPE
channel t1: Veritas NetBackup for Oracle - Release 7.1 (2011020313)

Starting restore at 10-APR-12

channel t1: restoring control file
channel t1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:05:40
output filename=/oradata/test/u01/ctrl1.ctl
output filename=/oradata/test/u02/ctrl2.ctl
output filename=/oradata/test/u02/ctrl3.ctl
Finished restore at 10-APR-12
released channel: t1

Although restoring controlfile succeeded by specifying the backup file, I wanted to figure out what’s wrong w/pervious restore command. Obviously there was no problem for  backup or backupset.   For rman, there is a debug option which can be used for troubleshooting.  Reran the first restore command with debug option to generate a trace file.

rman target <user/pwd> catalog <user/pwd> debug trace='debug.out'
 2> allocate channel t1 device type 'SBT' ;
 3> restore controlfile;
 4> }

The following information was extracted from the trace file:


DBGSQL:        EXEC SQL AT RCVCAT begin dbms_rcvman . findControlfileBackup ( allCopies => TRUE ) ; end ; [17:17:44.559]

DBGSQL:           sqlcode=0 [17:17:44.562]

     DBGRCVMAN: ENTERING findControlfileBackup

     DBGRCVMAN:    findControlfileBackup onlyStandby is set to FALSE

     DBGRCVMAN: thisBackupAge= 0

     DBGRCVMAN:    findControlfileBackup allCopies is TRUE

     DBGRCVMAN: EXITING findControlfileBackup with: UNAVAILABLE

The trace gave the same information that rman couldn’t find any valid backup for controlfile,which was consistent w/the error message we got.

There was some inforamtion about incarnation, just serveral lines above findControlfileBackup . 

DBGSQL:        EXEC SQL AT RCVCAT begin dbms_rcvman . setDatabase ( upper ( :dbname:dbname_i ) , :rlscn , :rltime , :fhdbi:fhdbi_i , :db_uniqu

e_name ) ; dbms_rcvman . setCanApplyAnyRedo ( TRUE ) ; end ; [17:17:44.500]


     DBGRCVMAN: ENTERING setDatabase

     DBGRCVMAN:    setDatabase db_id is null

     DBGRCVMAN: this_db_unique_name= TEST

     DBGRCVMAN: Fetching incarnation records

     DBGRCVMAN: incarnation record id=0

     DBGRCVMAN: icprs=2583312497322,icprc=07-MAR-12

     DBGRCVMAN: icrls=2583318941550,icrlc=03-APR-12

     DBGRCVMAN: icpinc=67118


     DBGRCVMAN: incarnation record id=1

     DBGRCVMAN: icprs=2478183021921,icprc=17-JAN-04

     DBGRCVMAN: icrls=2583312497322,icrlc=07-MAR-12

     DBGRCVMAN: icpinc=67324


     DBGRCVMAN: incarnation record id=2

     DBGRCVMAN: icprs=,icprc=

     DBGRCVMAN: icrls=2478183021921,icrlc=17-JAN-04

     DBGRCVMAN: icpinc=


     DBGRCVMAN: number of incarnation=3

     DBGRCVMAN: EXITING setDatabase

     DBGRCVMAN: canApplyAnyRedo is set to TRUE

DBGANY:        current incarnation now matches [17:17:44.518] (krmksetdb)

The information here told us that there were three incarnations for this database, and the reset SCN of current incarnation is 2583318941550. If we checked the backupsets against this SCN, we would find the all backups of controlfile were taken before this SCN, that is, there was no backup of controlfile for current incarnation. This is why the restore command failed.  Verified the incarnation information in RMAN.

RMAN> set dbid=381083800;
executing command: SET DBID database name is "TEST" and DBID is 381083800
RMAN> list incarnation;

Couldn’t find any incarnation inforamtion from this command, but there is a view called rc_database_incarnation in the recovery catalog . Next, let’s check that view.

2  from  rc_database_incarnation
3  where NAME='TEST';

---------- ---------------- --- ------------------ --------- ----------------------- --------- --------
67118            67324 NO       2583312497322 07-MAR-12           2478183021921 17-JAN-04 PARENT
67324                  NO       2478183021921 17-JAN-04                                   PARENT
82366            67118 YES      2583318941550 03-APR-12           2583312497322 07-MAR-12 CURRENT

We got all the incarnation information for this database,which is consistent w/the inforamtion in trace file. The current incarnation is set to 82366.

OK, let’s reset the incarnation to the previous one and rerun the restore command to see what would happen.

Database reset to incarnation 67118
RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel t1 device type 'SBT' ;
3> restore controlfile ;
4> }
channel t1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:05:45
output filename=/oradata/test/u01/ctrl1.ctl
output filename=/oradata/test/u02/ctrl2.ctl
output filename=/oradata/test/u03/ctrl3.ctl
Finished restore at 11-APR-12
released channel: t1

Controlfile is restored successfully.

If the list command of rman told us the incarnation with the backupset information, it would be more easier for us to find the issue.

Written by Haibin Sun

April 11, 2012 at 8:38 PM

script to calculate the shared memory used by oracle

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Got the following error when starting a new database on solaris 10.

SQL> startup nomount;
ORA-27102: out of memory
SVR4 Error: 22: Invalid argument

There are more than 20 databases running on this server.  The shared memory reached the shrehold defined in /etc/project.
The following script was used to calcuate the total allocated shared memory to Oracle  on the server.

SharedMem=`ipcs -Jbm | grep $PROJECT | awk '{print $7}' `


for shm in ${SharedMem[@]}
total=`expr $total + $shm`
num=`expr $num + 1`

echo "shared memory segment used by $PROJECT:  number of segments: $num       total size: $total Bytes"

Written by Haibin Sun

February 15, 2012 at 1:58 PM

significant unaccounted-for time

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User reported one of their reports ran very slow.  Multipass sort was observered from AWR report, and the sort operation in execution plan took most of time, so the issue seemed related w/the workarea.

Database version:


Automatic pga memory management was used for this database, and the pga_aggregate_target was set to 24M only while sga had 2G. Obviously this paramater was set too low, which  could be confirmed from pga advisor too. The performance of this query got improved a lot by increasing the PGA.

However, I was more insterested in the ET unaccounted-for time since lots of ET unacounted-for time was found for this query. From below report, ET unaccounted-for time was two times of  CPU time, and Non_idle wait time was 0, so what led to this significant ET unaccount-for time? Why non idle wait time was 0 if we had to sort to disk?  

Moreover, when this query was running, I didn’t see lots of “direct path read temp” from EM console, which was one of my expectations when Oracle was short of work area and had to sort to disk.

From top activity, I only saw some CPU usage, but no “direct path read temp” at all, so where was the “direct path read temp”?  Did “direct patch read temp” never happen? If it did happen, why it didn’t show up here? 

So I collected the session event statisitcs before and after runing. According to result below,this “direct path read temp” did occur, and the session waited on this event for more than 1 million. But if you checked total waited time, how could Oracle do million reads in less than 2 seconds?  

SQL> select c.name event,
  from run_events a, run_events b, V$EVENT_NAME c
 where a.EVENT_ID = b.EVENT_ID
   and a.runid = 'before'
   and b.runid = 'after'
   and a.event_id=c.event_id
   and b.TOTAL_WAITS - a.TOTAL_WAITS > 0
order by TIME_WAITED_MICRO desc;

------------------------------ ----------- -------------- -----------------
SQL*Net message from client              2              0        1740927244
direct path read temp              1216782              0           1842493
direct path write temp               33136              0            112112
SQL*Net more data from client            1              0                23
SQL*Net message to client                2              0                 6

The answer comes from Oracle document for this event(http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B16240_01/doc/doc.102/e16282/oracle_database_help/oracle_database_wait_bottlenecks_direct_path_read_pct.html)

Although it describes the “direct path read”,”direct path read temp” is  similiar. 

For this database, synchronous I/O was used, which also surprised me.

SQL> show parameter filesystemio

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
filesystemio_options                 string      NONE

Thus when the session performs “direct path read temp”, it is blocked, but the session doesn’t wait on “direct path read temp” event at this moement. It shows a a wait on “direct path read temp” when it picks up the data when I/O request is completed,  and this wait will return immediately since no physical I/O is required and the data are ready. Therefore, although Oracle session waits on I/O to be completed, but this time doesn’t get counted as “direct path read temp”. Actually it doesn’t get counted either in any wait event, or in CPU time, so this is the reason we saw significant unaccounted-for time here, and why the total waited time  is less than 2 seconds although we got more than 1 milion “direct path read temp”.

This behaviour can be confirmed from ASH and AWR report also.   

From ASH, the most elapsed time of this sql was spent on CPU+Wait for CPU,but the AWR report for the same time period reported CPU time was only 35% of elapsed time .In ASH the sessions get counted on CPU if they are not known to be on a WAIT event(http://oracledoug.com/serendipity/index.php?/archives/1432-Time-Matters-DB-CPU.html), so even if a proccess is sleeping or in running queue, the time would be calcualted as CPU+Wait for CPU.  However,  AWR gets CPU time from OS level, so only the time actually spending on CPU is counted. This significant unaccounted-for time was the time the process was in sleeping or in run queue. 

Written by Haibin Sun

February 6, 2012 at 4:13 PM

Posted in performance